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Carpet or hardwood flooring? Which is best for you?

Friday, March 10, 2023 12:44 PM Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood Flooring in Greenwood, SC from Reagan Flooring
You're not alone if you're stuck between carpet and hardwood flooring for your upcoming remodel. Both products offer exceptional benefits that could fit your needs for any large or small project.

Understanding these materials is vital to learn which will best serve your requirements and preferences. Here are some facts that could help you make a well-informed decision.

What about the visual appeal?

Both products offer exceptional visuals, but one will likely match your needs best. Carpet offers soft surfaces with extensive pattern and texture options, but you'll get the timeless appeal in the stunning beauty of wood flooring.

What about durability?

Carpet offers built-in stain and odor resistance for 15 to 20 years, which can be perfect for pet owners. With hardwood flooring, you get customizable wear layers, sealants, and textures, which can help the floors last more than 100 years with professional installation.

What about installation?

Installing a carpet takes several hours in ample space and requires specialized tools for a successful result. Hardwood installation also requires special tools and hours to days of work, but the customization is worth your time.

If you’re ready for the best wood floors in Anderson, SC, we're prepared to bring them to life in your home. So, stop by and let us know how we can help, and we'll get to work right away.

Visit our showroom for your wood flooring

At Reagan Flooring, our most important priority is providing the best materials for your project with professional associates and expert guidance. From product selection to after-installation cleanup, we're always on top of communications, so you know what to expect all along the way.

We have a showroom in Greenwood, SC, and we look forward to giving you the hardwood flooring you've dreamed of for your flooring remodel. We proudly serve Greenwood, Abbeville, Anderson, McCormick, and Clinton, SC, and we're here for you too.